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Morning Weather - March 20

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

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Rain at the top end, instability starting over the WA coast and inland NT/QLD thus possible storms during the week but more to the North and maybe some in NSW.

Detail: Ex 90P is now in the Gulf, the next low is approaching the top end of the Peninsula and another low further out is likely to head South over time as the old High moves East and the new High moves into the Tasman. The new High is currently sitting SE of the Great Australian Bight. A number of troughs have formed one over the coast of WA, and one along the NT/QLD border and extending into NSW.


Showers still struggling to make it across the North QLD coastline. Storms are likely for all regions from the top of the Peninsula down to Cairns, and possible for coastal regions between Cairns to Mackay. We are likely to see late storms tonight in those regions, isolated earlier.


Showers along the North QLD tropical coast, ridging keeping some of the showers from crossing mainly near Cairns and North of Townsville which means some overcast conditions this morning. Storms may appear along the mountains close to the coast, these will be short-lived. More likely storms closer to Cairns and inland regions and late storms.


A brief interlude to the North while a new High moves in. During this time we see the low-pressure systems take hold over WA and NT/QLD/NSW as mentioned earlier. This does mean potential storm activity, but it depends on how much of the dry cool air is moving into warmer areas where the troughs are. And at this early stage that is unlikely. We should also start to see some cooling overall as we move towards April, so extreme systems tend to shift back North. We should see some of that develop as the third monsoon pulse moves through WA Indian Ocean waters at the end of the week.

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Instructional Engineering trading as Wally's Weather Australia


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Townsville QLD, Australia

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