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December rain

So you have been promised rain by so many accumulated total models, and they have failed to deliver. No surprises there, specially for those following along with the Daily Forecast which is free.

But now we are getting close to where we see the trough move East, but it will be slow, and not drop much until the 4th Dec. The first movement will be Dec 27th to 29th, then 3rd to 4th.

And look at the turn in the Southern Oscillation Index, which if you don't know, essentially means unstable weather for the Northern Tropics. Storms basically.

So we can see December starting off with stormy weather, but will it stick around? And how much rain will we see? Is this a weakening of the El Nino? Well to answer those questions I need a lot more time so if you are keen on finding out, it is less than a week till the December Monthly Forecast is due. And this info is made available to those that help support this page via the Big Shout which is $55 a year, the cost of shouting one coffee a month.

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