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Evening Weather - March 18

This weather update is brought to you by GetBranded.

Get Branded is a proud Townsville business, operating for over 15 years who specialise in customised/branded products, marketing, graphic design, events, and videography. ast and Peninsula. Still watching this low.


More rain being sent on the conveyor belt (blue arrow) to the top end via the High in the Tasman. There is a very faint swirl (purple arrow) on the Satellite which should be the low moving towards QLD now. It will capture some of that cloud to the East of it. It is not faint because it is weak, it is faint because it is low-level cloud and not enough light picking it up.

BOM Satellite
Weatherzone radar

The radar is showing some rain at the top end and the synoptic is showing isobars over the coast, marked with blue arrows to indicate where the ridge is. The ridge slows rain from crossing the coast. The isobars (strong white lines) show the low more clearly near New Caledonia (purple arrow).


Rainfall around the top end as mentioned before we should start to see more along the Far Northern tropics of a steady nature later tomorrow, just scattered showers tonight. Temps may drop in the afternoon with the cloud cover moving in, but still expect it to be hot early. Still scattered showers in exposed regions of the coast around the Whitsundays and Mackay. And humidity looks like it is staying relatively high with the cloud coverage due tomorrow afternoon.

Radar now
Temperature 1pm

Rainfall 1pm
Humidity 1pm


The radar shows showers coming through North of and including Innisfail and reaching further inland. More showers out to sea riding that conveyor belt towards QLD. Showers may spread further South during the night but only light.


Hopefully, the humidity will drop back but with the cloud cover coming in tomorrow its unlikely for at least tomorrow. Showers spreading on Monday further South of and including Cardwell with possible storm activity along the central highlands and dividing ranges. Tuesday and Wednesday we see the rain picking back up along the Far North tropical coastline with the rain from the remnants of 90P starting to cross the coast. We could see heavy rain and storms along the Far North tropical coast on Wednesday.



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Instructional Engineering trading as Wally's Weather Australia


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Townsville QLD, Australia

©2023 owned by Instructional Engineering Pty Ltd ABN 72 666 422 751 Trading as Wally's Weather Australia

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